My Vision

I believe in my heart that we as humanity have a wild opportunity to choose to weave a magnificent future on this planet.

I believe it demands of us to live in connection and balance with nature and each other.

I believe living fully and rich is supporting us to make great choices. As we remember and experience life on this planet as a magical gift - we take good care of it.

I believe that coming from a deep sense of home within ourselves - is necessary for us to be able to dream a sustainable future into reality by our actions.

And you know what?!

I believe we can move through those challenges while simultaneously having a wildly, juicy and outrageously fun time!


My experience

I was born with a deep sense of “there is more to this reality than what everyone is telling me”.

I was also raised with a deep love and respect for nature.

I dove into politics, I dove into art with the question of “how do we save this planet?”.

But I more and more saw that the problem I wanted to solve was deep in the human mind.

Meanwhile I kept on searching for “the more”.

I travelled far in the world and far into myself until one day I started to find those pieces missing.

And not only did they bring completeness to my sense of “there is more”. They also gave answers to my question “how do we save this planet”.

Now I want to share the fruits of this deep transformation I have gone through with others.


My work as a spaceholder

I support individuals & groups of women to wake up to their place in the cosmos & the cycles of nature.

To awaken to their sexuality as a sacred source of life & divine pleasure.

To feel & embody all of their emotions on a deep level that unlocks their inner power.

To recognize the voice & wisdom of their hearts, wombs & pussies then start building a life that honors those deep sources of wisdom & desire.

To transform patterns of self sabotage at the root. Awaken the deepest self-love that puts them in alignment with their truest longings in their relationships, career & spiritual missions.

From this place we melt down the walls of fear & shame that holds us back. We learn how to move with the challenges of life & death with cyclical grace.